Get off to a great start!

Our team is here to help you succeed in your new life in British Columbia.


Helping French-speaking people in British Columbia

Le Relais Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique cooperative offers free services to francophone and francophile immigrants wishing to settle in this beautiful province. Our settlement services are available to permanent residents, temporary residents (temporary workers and international students), refugees and foreign-born (naturalized) Canadian citizens.

Our agents also speak the following languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Kifuliru, Kikongo, Kiganda, Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Kinyamulenge, Kitetela, Kivira, Lingala, Lunganda, Magyar, Mashi, Uzbek, Persian, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Wolof.

Have you experienced
a racism incident?
Call the Racist Incident Helpline for immediate support.

Activity Schedule

Please participate in our year-round activities and group events for all francophones and francophiles in the province. 

Upcoming activities.


Learn more about the real impact of the Cooperative through these testimonials.

Thanks to Le Relais, I found my first job in Canada!

— Inès

Watch the testimonial  

Le Relais helped me with administrative procedures and also finding a lawyer.

— Véronique

Watch the testimonial 

Thanks to Le Relais, I obtained all the documents that later allowed me to work.

— Jacob

Watch the testimonial  

Le Relais helped us find accommodation immediately.

— Ibrahim

Watch the testimonial  

Thanks to Le Relais, I benefited from webinars on work and taxation.

— Djaber

Watch the testimonial  

Thanks to Le Relais, I connected with the Francophone community.

— Alexandra

Watch the testimonial  

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